Good Life Acupuncture
& Holistic Therapies
Tel. 508-559-8004
Route 106 in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
"Pain is inevitable ... suffering optional."

Pajama Parties:
Good Life Style!
We offer in-house spa and holistic healing sessions for private groups (4 to 12 people).
What's included? Each guest enjoys:
- All the organic tea you can drink!
- Assorted Gourmet pastries
- 20-30 minute spa and healing sessions, depending on size of party. Choose several:
- Acupuncture
- Amethyst BioMat sessions
- Angel Card Readings
- Holistic Nutrition Therapy lecture
- Homeopathic Medicine lecture
- Crystal Healing
- Energy Healing / Reiki
- MassageMedium/Psychic Sessions (upcharge)
- Reiki
- Relaxation Reflexology
- Shiatsu
Each guest enjoys a party favor and coupon for future session. Just $60 per person. Hostess enjoys a special gift!
Consider us for your next gathering. We provide the WOW factor that will make it a memorable event! We have extensive experience in creating customized events for:
- home spa days/nights
- moms groups
- reunions
- bridal parties
- bachelorette parties
- home sales parties
- networking events
- Girls nights
- Book Clubs
- birthday parties, mother's day appreciation parties, etc.
- because you deserve it parties!
- ... and more!

Table Tipping
with Cathy Corcoran
Table tipping is a time-honored tradition of physical mediumship that allows spirits to lovingly connect with us through the table.
Loved ones, spirit guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters, pets, and even those we have known from past lives have the opportunity to tap out their heartfelt messages of love and healing to us. Each participant has the opportunity to see-feel-experience spirit communication directly.
The table can tap, flip, hug, spin, dance, stomp, and shimmy with the joy of communicating with us!
Pricing is as follows:
$120 Individual, 1.5-hours
$130 Two People, 2-hours
$ 45 Per Person, Small Group, 2-hours

Cathy Corcoran offers private and public workshops for the following:
- Introduction to Angel Readings
- Introduction to Crystal Healing
- Introduction to Lemurian Crystal Healing
- Tools for the Empath
- Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Integrated Energy Therapy® Practitioner Training
- Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor Training®
- Basic Zentangle®
- Zentangle® Expandable
- Un-“Tangle” Your “Holidaze” with Zentangle®
- Simply Zendala®
- Introduction to Visual Journaling